Wednesday, July 6, 2011


This holiday weekend we got to hop on a jet plane and head to sunny sunny (and humid) Florida! Did I mention it was humid? Sheesh. So different than dry Utah. But it was a fantastic weekend. Rhett got to see the ocean for the first time. At first he...well he hated it. We spent over an hour getting all of our beach gear together, getting sunscreened up, unloading the car etc all for about 10 minutes at the actual beach. But we kept going for walks in the evening and at the end he really warmed up to it.

But the best part of the weekend was when Rhett got to meet my grandmother, Grandma Dot. She has dementia so sometimes she prefers to stay in her own world, but when she saw Rhett she just lit up. She wanted him to sit on her lap, hold his hand, she smiled and laughed when he toddled around. I am so grateful for those moments of clarity.

Grandma Dot is an amazing woman. She was a nurse in WWII and received a Medal of Honor  for her service. She was on Jeopardy, lived through the depression, and had literally hundreds of songs and poems memorized.
This is her on her wedding day. Isn't she spectacular?

Jake and I owe so much to her for helping us as we started married life. She gave us so much of her beautiful furniture when we got married because she was entering a retirement home. I am so grateful for these pieces for mulitple reasons. One, we got to start married life with real chairs and a table and furniture that made our apartment feel like a home, not a dorm. Two, her taste and style has influenced me to redo furniture and has helped me find my style. Here are two pieces that we have from her. 

{ A half round }

{ A chest of drawers }

I love these pieces. They inspire me. I love the warm swirls in the wood of the half round and the hand detail in the drawers. I love the natural distressing and the stories it hints at. 

I think these pieces are priceless. Not monetarily, but for what they mean to us. These type of pieces are so important.

So I want to ask you if you have pieces or items like this (not just furniture) and if you would let me do a post featuring them and their stories. If you are interested leave a comment below or email me for more information.

Thanks all!


  1. I love the photos with your little one. Grandma Dot has incredible taste, and seems like a fascinating woman. I love those pieces. I can see why you are inspired by them.

  2. Such a sweet and lovely post. We don't have any handed down furniture but I do have a hope chest that my dad made for his sister when he was in high school. She saved it and handed it down to me when I was a child. It smells so good and it's cedar I believe. This might not sound like it is very old if my dad is the one that made it but my dad was 50 when I was born, making hims 75 now, which is definitely old enough to be my grandfather so really it's as if it's from 2 generations back, not just one.

    That half round is gorgeous. I love the little key in it.

  3. What a lovely Picture Of your Grandma Dot! What treasures she gave you too-especially the memory of them being hers. I wish I had some pieces to share with you.

  4. Thanks for your sweet comment! Your blog is fabulous!

    I work in long-term care for the elderly and disabled, so I see a lot od clients with dementia. It's so hard to see your loved ones slip away so I'm glad you have wonderful memories of your grandma and pieces of hers that you can cherish. :)

  5. What a beautiful post! A grandmother's love is the very best :) I'm glad you had a nice visit.

  6. those are such awesome and unique pieces, and even better that they have such meaning to you.

  7. that story of your grandmother meeting your son is so heart warming :) I'm glad for you. She was a beautiful young woman and a very accomplished and courageous adult - such a good role model! And the furnishings you have from her home are lovely beyond compare. I don't happen to have any old furnishings that belonged to my family. But that's ok. I'll hopefully be able to pass along some pieces that will help others furnish their first homes. Hopefully! Thank you for popping over and leaving that nice comment - I will definitely try stamping with a slice of celery - would never have thought of that, but of course! A pretty little crescent shape!

  8. Julia,
    Beautiful family, beautiful furniture! I have a 1930s waterfall dresser with beautiful grain detail. My mom and I found it at an antique fair (which was held in an old schoolhouse in Lexington.) I just love it and it reminds me of the great day we had together looking at all the interesting furniture and eating chicken sandwiches for lunch.

  9. as a photography amateur and buff, i have to say that i love love love that shot of you and your babes silhouettes against the sunset sky! too precious. that would be a great one to have printed on a canvas!

    it sounds like your grandma is an amazing woman! that chest is exquisite. i have an art deco style dresser of my great gram's that i've redone. would love to do a guest post on it :) just let me know! also, i'm a new follower!!

  10. Such a wonderful tribute post to your grandmother; you are indeed blessed. Smiles!

  11. Beautiful family and beautiful pieces you inherited! They truly are gorgeous and having so much meaning behind them make them even more special. Your little guy is beyond adorable! :-)
    Thanks so much for sharing this with us at Inspiration Friday this week!

  12. What a lovely post. Your pieces are beautiful but what is even more beautiful is the meaning they hold for you. Your grandmother looks like quite a sweet lady. I helped care for my grandmother for several years- she also had dementia. She was such a huge influence on my life in so many ways. I miss her greatly. Thanks for sharing this post at Feathered Nest Friday. :)

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I really appreciate all of your thoughts and comments! They bring a smile to my face!