Monday, March 12, 2012

Chalk Board from a Table Top

Six months ago I found a table top in a pile of junk.

It had no legs and no actual "table" but it was solid wood, with great details, plus it was almost free so I grabbed it. 

I've sat on it for a long time wondering what color to paint it, and when I couldn't decide I chose to restain it. 

Best decision ever.

The wood grain is stunning. 

Love love love.

 The base is stained with Minwax Antique Walnut and the top is stained with Minwax Cherry. 

Available in The Shop

PS The little birds are my first attempt at drawing with chalk. 
Jake says the birds look like they're pooping on each other. 



  1. Love the stain and chalkboard paint!
    PS: The birds are lovely. I think Jake's comment is from the male perspective.

  2. Just gorgeous Julia! You always amaze me and I always enjoy looking at your work. I think the birds are cute, drawing pictures with chalk can be difficult. Very creative with the chalkboard!

  3. oh it looks awesome! and i agree with katie- i thought the birds were cool! i did not notice any poop action going on and after i read that i went up and looked again and still don't see it... boys never grow up, do they. ;)

  4. Wonderful chalkboard and I think your birds look perfect!

  5. lol, pooping birds is exactly what Todd would say too. It was fun to meet you guys the other day! My winston makes the nursery! :)

  6. Great decision to repurpose it as a chalkboard. Pooping on each other? LOL Tell your husband you wanted an organic feel. LOL I think your birds are super cute.

  7. Oh you clever girl. Very cool. Thanks for sharing on BeColorful

  8. Wow, that is really beautiful. And what a clever idea to repurpose as a chalkboard!

  9. Killer. Absolutely fabulous!
    One Chatty Chic

  10. Very, very cute! I adore the little birds... Thank you so much for visiting my party!

  11. Love your blog, I'm following:) I hope you'll share this at my link party, running now through Saturday night! :)

  12. very very pretty! I love the chalkbourd and the birds.

  13. Love your creativity, never would have thought of using the tabletop in this way.

  14. Wow, I'm impressed with your vision & creativity. I would not have thought to make this piece into a chalkboard. It looks great!

    Warmly, Michelle

  15. I love the chalk birds! That's so cute! Thanks for linking to What I Learned Wednesday! I hope to see you again at the link party tomorrow!


I really appreciate all of your thoughts and comments! They bring a smile to my face!