Wednesday, May 30, 2012

How to dress for DIY success

Step 1. Be TOTALLY comfortable to go anywhere in crusty, paint covered sweats. 

Probably unshowered. Possibly with your teeth brushed. 

Step 2. Face it that your kiddo either looks about as put together as you do, or more often then not- better.

Step 3: Forget the bra. 

If you're like me it doesn't really matter anyway. 

Step 4: Wear a shirt that reminds you where you live and hence why it's a bazillion degrees in your garage. 

Step 5: Multitask and work on your soon-to-be-amazing dreadlocks with an awesome Mulan inspired nappy bun. 

Step 6: Roll your sweats up to make a fantastic waist band. 

 This will help prevent sweat pant shredding around your ankles. 

(Obviously, I learned this too late.) 

Step 7: Make sure your pants make your backside look completely nonexistent. 

You don't want to risk being to bootylicious while using primer.

Step 8: Skip painting your nails, and go for the hobbit/man foot look with a little overspray on your toes.

Step 9: Let your kiddo play with the hose while you work. 

He'll make mud, track it into the house and on to the carpet giving you a new DIY project. Woot!

Step 10: Debate whether you should actually shower when your little one takes a nap or watch the Bachelorette. 

Usually the Bachelorette wins for me. :)

Linking this to Mandi at Vintage Revivals FFA Challenge


  1. Well, I liked you a lot before, but now I officially love you. That is me to a T. Seriously. Except you are skinnier and cuter! Thanks for the smile!

  2. Julia -
    AMEN to it all! Thank is hilarious! The last time I stained a dresser, my toes looked like I had some stange disease. You forgot not eating though - when I am working, I totally don't want to stop to eat.
    I love this post and I am sure I could add a few.
    How about when you get unexpected guests. Oh boy is that fun.
    Stacey :o)

  3. EPIC!!!!!!!! Julia you are hilarious!!! Thank you so much for linking up!!

    Love your guts

  4. So awesome! Love the "forget the bra" part - that's #1 on my DIY outfit. :)

  5. Hi Julia, you are so funny and so cute in your diy getup but for me wearing a bra will definitely matter I'm sure I can work at hooters I sure people will call the bra police on me if I didn't ware one. But furthermore I love your DIY getup outfit.
    P.S. By the way this is my first time to your blog and I think it’s a very nice blog and I will be following. Thanks for sharing
    Shinay Key

  6. This was truly inspiring. Thank you :)

  7. haha. i wish i could go without a bra. and i thought the waistband was sexy.

  8. So true! It's good to know I'm in good company!

  9. Oh my goodness. This is hilarious. I have a pair of socks that have a flip flop "tan" (meaning I threw flip flops on over socks in order to quickly spray paint something on a cold evening and now they have a blue overspray "tan").

  10. Loved this!! You are so cute, Julia. This is me on the regular.

  11. yeah, i can forget the bra, too- and when i bend over in my painting sweats, my crack often shows.... that's a good look for diy success, too.

  12. Too funny! Yeah, my toes look like that a lot too!

  13. Loved this. It's the perfect description for diy success :)

  14. I hear you. And I happen to think you look adorable! My husband thinks it's wrong that I paint in my old Penn State tshirts. But I love them even more with a little paint! And I polished my toe nails for the holiday weekend - woohoo! But today I messed them all up moving a heavy desk in flip flops. You should NOT move furniture in flip flops!!!

  15. LOVE IT! Add another kiddo and add me to the look alike list!

  16. You and your son are to cute! I wear my yoga capris almost everyday now that its hot and sticky out....I do wish I could go with out a bra...they are such a pain.

  17. Hilarious! Although you are pretty stylish yourself, I think the diaper and the shoes combo wins for me :)

  18. Thanks! I was about to throw out a pair of paint stained sweats that have no elastic left in the waistband. I hadn't thought of rolling them over. Brilliant!

  19. bwahaha! oh my gracious.. you are beyond cute! like, seriously... stinkin' adorable! you've got the right idea with all of this :) probably one of the funniest posts i've read.

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  21. Hysterical!!! You are a DIY fashonista :) Thanks for the giggles. (I went to the pool yesterday with stripes of paint on my arms and legs... what a hottie ;)).

  22. This is excatly how I have looked this whole week! I am so excited I have found your site and am thrilled to be your newest follower! Great work I especially love your green chippy desk!
    -Molly B

  23. Bachelorette?! No, there's way better trash than that... what about Maury Povich paternity testing?? Every year, my 'supply' of painting clothes....grows. Being an art teacher, I even wreck things at real work!

  24. OH, I LOVE YOU!!! This is my first time at your site, and you are hilarious! I am always delighted to find other diyers that look just as unkempt as myself, because I swear when someone unexpectedly stops by when I look like this, I feel like the only unwashed unbra'd schmuck in the world! You seriously nailed the uniform, right down to the missing bra!

  25. This just made my day! I think I have more DIY clothes than regular clothes in my wardrobe. You just gave me some great new styling ideas. Love this post!

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Girl- if I could find sweat pants that would make MY backside look non-existent, I'd call 'em magic pants and wear them everyday!

    Oh- and the deleted comment above was me- didn't realize my daughter was logged in on MY machine!

  28. Hahaahha hilarious! I could SO recognize myself in this! "Work on your dreadlocks" hahaha

  29. How did you steal my look? My favorite is when my kids call from school and need something, so I have to drop what I am doing, head to the school office, and I look like....well you know what. My hair is far worse than yours too without a shower. And, I am of a certain age where going completely without makeup is considered risky behavior.

  30. Hahahha - We could have been twins this weekend.. Along with our children!! Hilarious, you nailed it to a T!
    I am new to your blog and loving it!

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