Wednesday, September 5, 2012

An offer and the waiting game

Hopefully I'm not jinxing us, or the offer we submitted on this house over the holiday weekend by posting this, but I'm just a little excited at the thought that it might, possibly, hopefully, be ours soon! 

The house is a pre-approved short sale, which means we've got a 3 to 4 week waiting period before we know if the bank accepts our offer. But the offer we made was essentially the asking price, and there are no other offers on it, so we're really hopeful it will be. 

For now I won't share any details on the house other than we feel really lucky to have found it. 

(I don't want to jinx us any more than I am by posting this. :))

So now we're kind of in limbo and playing the waiting game. 

(Insert Jeopardy theme song.)

We'll see....


  1. Wow it looks huge! Good luck! :)

  2. Love the house Julia! So cute! I'm crossing my fingers for you!!!


  3. Looks cute - hope you get it!!
    Stacey :o)

  4. Looks great! Even if it is stucco ;) Good luck!

  5. Fingers and toes crossed for you Julia!

  6. Looks like a great house! Hopefully you'll hear something soon!

  7. we are in your SAME boat! Our offer is accepted on a house, but my husband's tax info is so weird, so we're hoping financing goes through okay before we can close. So exciting though!

  8. Jules!!!
    I am so glad I found your blog. You are an adorable mother and wife, You are so talented with that furniture restoration. I want you to do my house..when I get one.

    I would love to hear from you!

  9. pre-approved short sale and first offer at asking price sounds like a winning scenario to me! i hope you get it. sounds like we might both be in homes around the same time! so exciting!!!!

  10. Oh I so hope you come out the winner in the waiting game. Thinking good thoughts that you will soon be the proud owner of this home. Hope you are feeling well! -K

  11. I'm very excited for you and your family. Sure do hope that this comes through for you!


I really appreciate all of your thoughts and comments! They bring a smile to my face!