Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Around this house...

We've been laying flooring.

We've been painting.

We've been cleaning and unpacking.

We've been playing soccer in our living room because our furniture is still all stored in the garage. 

We've been having cereal picnics at least 3 nights a week.

We've been meeting our neighbors and getting lost trying to find our mailbox.

We've done laundry in our bathtub because the laundry room still is not quite ready to move the washer and dryer into. 

We've been having parades around the house to this song and SO enjoying all the extra space we have now. 

We've been collecting all the rocks in the backyard and lining them up on the back porch.

And we got to bed every night exhausted, but so grateful for our new home. :)

PS: I am truly sorry for my lack of blogging for the past month. We were just a little naive with our to-do list when we moved into this house, and being 26 weeks prego means most of my energy is going to cleaning up wood glue and drawing large pictures of Big Bird (per Rhett's request) with sidewalk chalk on our driveway.

I'm hoping in the next week or so to get the remaining few items check of our to-do list and get this home ready for the holidays. :)


  1. So happy for you guys! Enjoy this time!

  2. YAY!!! love the wall color! and love the floors! and the rocks, too. ;)

  3. I was wondering how things were going! Can't wait to see what you've done!

  4. So exciting! Can't wait to see what you have been up too!!
    And your belly, too!

  5. That's awesome, even though it's a ton of work! Every time I remember you're 26 weeks, too, it makes me happy. :)

  6. We could go on and on…but you can see for yourself from the photos what amazing products these lights are.


  7. I love that feeling of moving into a new house and time to enjoy the emptiness of it still!

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I really appreciate all of your thoughts and comments! They bring a smile to my face!