Monday, April 29, 2013

Rad's Nursery Reveal

So in the process of redesigning the blog, we might have accidentally deleted our Adobe Photoshop programs. 

Opps. Big opps.

But we think we can get it back, fingers crossed. 

So until that time I thought I should just keep on blogging and I want to show you Rad's nursery.

I'm not a big fan of "themed" baby rooms so when I started putting ideas together for Rad's room I was really drawn to the idea of clean lines, geometric design, and a simple color palette. 

So let's just look at pictures and then get to some details. :)

I'm really happy with how it turned out!

Actually, it's still a little in process. 

For example, the floating shelves (inspired by Mandi at Vintage Revivals) are in desperate need of some cute accessoriness and styling, but yeah I haven't gotten that far yet. 

Darn budgets and lack of desire to drag 2 kids to Goodwill and Home Goods. 

And I've got 2 walls on either side of the windows that might need something hung on them, but I don't want the walls to look busy so I'm still debating.

Anyway, tomorrow I'll post the source and project list for what we used. 

See ya then. :)

Monday, April 1, 2013


Last Tuesday little Rad turned one month. 

I feel like I should insert some cricket sounds here, because I'm in a little bit of shock at how fast the time is flying. 

Sometimes the days are long, but the weeks are flying by.

Because of the extreme post-partum depression I experienced with Rhett, I never experienced the joy of having a newborn till now. 

And oh the joy of having a little fuzzy head snuggled on your shoulder. 

And the satisfied little grunts during a 2AM feeding session. 

And the started flinging of the arms when you kiss their soft cheeks. 

And the satisfaction of taking a warm bath with a little one curled up on your chest. 

And when they stare off into space and give a little mysterious they know a  wonderful secret. 

I don't know if we'll have more kids. 

We feel so blessed to have 2 little boys and our family feels complete; so if there is a chance that this will be our last little one we feel especially compelled to cherish every minute. 

We've been making it a point to "unplug" a little bit, to spend less time online, on Facebook, Instagram etc and more quality time as a family. 

So with that said, I'm going to be taking a few more weeks off from blogging and during that time I'm going to be doing some revamping of the blog.

The past month I've been journaling about our days and the moments (both good and...tiring :)) and I've realized how much I've missed writing about our family. 

I kept a family blog for the first 3 years of our marriage and I want to get back into that.

I think we all believe that the best blogs are those where the writer is passionate about what they post, and right now I feel passionate about our family. 

I still will post the projects we're doing and have done with our home, like Rad's nursery and Rhett's new big boy room etc, but I really want to make sure we have the small moments of our life documented as well. 

I don't expect to you all to continue to follow along. 

I know there are a bazillion "mom" blogs out there, but I want to sincerely thank YOU for following along over the past year and a half. 


And now I'm going to go change the 62nd poopy diaper of the day. 

At the least the little guy who has a stinky bum has the cutest little dimples on his cheeks. :)

See you again in 2 weeks!