Sunday, June 15, 2014

this is fancy living

Sometimes I wonder what the Beyonce's of the world think if they were to ever stumble across all the small fry mom blogs out there. (Hey hey Beyonce!! What up home girl?) Do they ever cringe at the non Juicy sweat suits we we wearing? Do they ever wonder why all of our selfies have a half diapered baby in the background? Are they jealous of our custom Crayola wall art/scribbles?

Yes. This is fancy living my friends. (Beyonce included.)

So I present a carefully collected, curated, and captioned selection of quality photos. Say that three times fast.

(And full disclosure...this is a quasi photo dump)

1. Frenemies
2. I took too many pictures than should be appropriate before stopping this.

3. American flags for Captain America. 
4. Floor fuel.

5. I lost him. I found him. Rolling on the floor. "Singing."
6. Who knows.

7. Indeed.

8.  Never, ever, EVER take Rad's Cheetos.
9. Rhett = over it. 

10. Bachelorette cocktail parties have nothing on our Friday evenings. 

11. Rejected.

12. That camel was giving me the stink eye. Totally. 
13. So was Jake after getting caught, trapped, and stuck in a mass of herding kids.

14. Saturday rock climbing (climate controlled rock climbing).
15. Lama lama(s) tackle momma.

Totes fancy schamncy. Totes.


  1. we have the glam life over here, too- i feel ya! and i act the same when someone takes my cheetohs.

  2. My kid only eats "floor fuel." We pour everything into a bowl ... but it is immediately dumped smashed and eaten throughout the day. Wonderful.

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