Tuesday, October 27, 2015


Beck wanted to say hello before we kicked this thing off.

I'm pretty much sold, convinced, putting my foot down that I will never snapchat my life. One of my friends tried to talk me into it a few months ago and I was like NO, HASHTAG NO. No one (especially me) needs another vehicle for social media these days. No one. But then I secretly got an account to spy on The Bachelorette and her new fiance and it totally won me over. Well won me over enough to look at other peoples snaps. ;)

But! I do love the idea of Snapchat...a way to share basically all the junk that is too boring and basic to put on Instagram...which is what makes it brilliant. It's not polished and it's not filtered and it's so fun.

I take a decent amount of video clips on a weekly basis because I have such great memories of watching family videos every Sunday growing up. I feel like I'm building a little haphazard daily video journal of our life. And I figure now was the time to share! Which was something the internet was *clearly* missing.

Come a-freakin' board, mateys!

We'll let the video titles serve as captions as well.

Easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy posting at it's finest. #lazy

I know.


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