Monday, February 13, 2012

A Chest for a Princess

Happy Monday, I hope everyone had a great weekend!

We made our weekly "Samples for lunch at Costco" trip and spent a lot of time Skyping with various family members. (Rhett always looks behind the Mac screen to see if Grandma and Grandpa are hiding back there.) 

And apparently my husband hijacked my blog.

How sweet of him. :) 

I'm so glad that you all now know so much...more...about me and what a goof I am.
 But really- who was I trying to kid?  :)


Anyway here's the latest addition to the shop! 

A cedar dress-up chest for a little lady.  

Ever since the Very Hungary Caterpillar dresser I've been itching to do some more decorative painting. 

PS I've got a post lined up for later this week with tips, techniques and hints for those who are interested in trying to add some decorative painting to furniture or projects. 

She's painted in Ballet Slipper by Martha Stewart with all detail and wording hand painted. 

Click on the For Sale at the top of the page for more info.


  1. ooh so pretty!!! i love that glass knobs!

  2. This is precious! If I lived closer to you I would buy this for my niece. You are so talented with the decorative painting. I love this!

  3. Sooooo sweet! I love the little Princess detail and the knobs. Great work.

  4. I want to take this moment to say that I really love this blog. It has been a good resource of information for me. Thank you so much

  5. Hi, glad you joined the Linky party, but you need to have a Linky tool. I'm come back and follow you soon...Love your blog, Lori

  6. gorgeous! some little chickadee is going to be very happy!

  7. It turned out lovely - totally fit for a princess!

  8. My girls would die for this. Can't wait to read your post with tips for this project. Thanks for linking up to "Cowgirl Up!". Hope you'll be back next week too.
    :) Samantha @ Crafty Texas Girls


I really appreciate all of your thoughts and comments! They bring a smile to my face!