Tuesday, September 17, 2013

awesome photo editing apps for bloggers

Who loves blogging?!

You do?

Do you love apps?! 


Do you love fun creative stuff?!

Of course you do!

Then these apps are right up your alley, and for the most part they are all free. 

Super sweet.

 As much as I love my Nikon Dslr and Mac, I do a lot of blogging stuff on my phone. 

My phone is always with me and there are some great, easy apps that take basic pictures to a new level, help create buttons and help with social media.

So here we go!

Price: Free

VSCO Cam is by far my favorite photo editing app. 

Instagram is great, but Instagram is mostly for putting a filter over a picture. 

But what if you don't like the filters they give you? Or you want just a slight filter? Or you just want to brighten the exposure, use zoom or  enhance focus?

Instagram really can't help with that. 

(I'm not bashing Instagram at all! I love it. I'm talking strictly from a photo editing perspective.)

VSCO allows you to edit pictures like you would in photoshop or Adobe, but in a slightly simpler context.

You can adjust brightness, contrast, zoom, crop and they do have filters, but the strength of the filter is totally adjustable.

From VSCO you can upload to pretty much any social network, including Instagram.

VSCO essentially helps your phone pics look like quality images. 

Price: $1.99

Rhonna Design is a great app for making pictures more fun.

The app doesn't change the image so much as it allows you to overlay designs, art, images etc. 

Like this. 

Fun right?!

I love using this apps to make buttons for tutorial etc. 

(Like the button at the beginning of the post...made by this app. :))

You can also upload your images to most social networks from this app.

Price: Free

Studio is kind of like the marriage of VSCO and Rhonna. 

Studio has simple tools that allow you to create beautiful layered designs.

I hope this helps all you social mongols! :)

Now go take some fantastic photos. 


  1. Thank you for sharing! I had VCSO and LOVED it. Not sure why it's not on my phone anymore. I will have to change that!

  2. Thanks for sharing Julia!! I'll have to check them out!

  3. VSCO (Android & iOS)
    A hugely popular photo editing app amongst Instagram users, VSCO is more than just photo editing, it
    offers a community for photographers to connect and create. Simply searching the Hashtag #VSCO on
    Instagram will reveal the huge community of photographers and casual users that use VSCO every day, a
    testament to the app’s popularity.
    VSCO houses all the tools you’d expect from a favourable photo editing app; saturation, highlights,
    temperature and vignette can all be adjusted alongside many other settings. VSCO also offers a built in
    camera with advanced controls, allowing you to capture the perfect shot, edit and save, all without
    leaving the app, an A for convenience. Filters are also a huge feature for VSCO, with the option to buy
    filter packs each with their own distinctive styles and tones, very popular amongst users of the app.

  4. VSCO (Android & iOS)
    A hugely popular photo editing app amongst Instagram users, VSCO is more than just photo editing, it
    offers a community for photographers to connect and create. Simply searching the Hashtag #VSCO on
    Instagram will reveal the huge community of photographers and casual users that use VSCO every day, a
    testament to the app’s popularity.
    VSCO houses all the tools you’d expect from a favourable photo editing app; saturation, highlights,
    temperature and vignette can all be adjusted alongside many other settings. VSCO also offers a built in
    camera with advanced controls, allowing you to capture the perfect shot, edit and save, all without
    leaving the app, an A for convenience. Filters are also a huge feature for VSCO, with the option to buy
    filter packs each with their own distinctive styles and tones, very popular amongst users of the app.

  5. This all apps is great and i have used some apps, great working, thanks
    read my photo editing resources here

  6. Awesome idea, i really impressed here, thanks
    check my resources

  7. "VSCO (Android & iOS)
    A hugely popular photo editing app amongst Instagram users, VSCO is more than just photo editing, it offers a community for photographers to connect and create. Simply searching the Hashtag #VSCO on Instagram will reveal the huge community of photographers and casual users that use VSCO every day, a testament to the app’s popularity.
    VSCO houses all the tools you’d expect from a favourable photo editing app; saturation, highlights, temperature and vignette can all be adjusted alongside many other settings. VSCO also offers a built in camera with advanced controls, allowing you to capture the perfect shot, edit and save, all without leaving the app, an A for convenience. Filters are also a huge feature for VSCO, with the option to buy filter packs each with their own distinctive styles and tones, very popular amongst users of the app."

  8. VSCO (Android & iOS)
    A hugely popular photo editing app amongst Instagram users, VSCO is more than just photo editing, it offers a community for photographers to connect and create. Simply searching the Hashtag #VSCO on Instagram will reveal the huge community of photographers and casual users that use VSCO every day, a testament to the app’s popularity.
    VSCO houses all the tools you’d expect from a favourable photo editing app; saturation, highlights, temperature and vignette can all be adjusted alongside many other settingscc. Filters are also a huge feature for VSCO, with the option to buy filter packs each with their own distinctive styles and tones, very popular amongst users of the app.

  9. VSCO (Android & iOS)
    A hugely popular photo editing app amongst Instagram users, VSCO is more than just photo editing, it offers a community for photographers to connect and create. Simply searching the Hashtag #VSCO on Instagram will reveal the huge community of photographers and casual users that use VSCO every day, a testament to the app’s popularity.
    VSCO houses all the tools you’d expect from a favourable photo editing app; saturation, highlights, temperature and vignette can all be adjusted alongside many other settingscc. Filters are also a huge feature for VSCO, with the option to buy filter packs each with their own distinctive styles and tones, very popular amongst users of the app.

  10. Instagram will reveal the huge community of photographers and casual users that use VSCO every day, a testament to the app’s popularity.
    VSCO houses all the tools you’d expect from a favourable photo editing app; saturation, highlights, temperature and vignette can all be adjusted alongside many other settingscc. Filters are also a huge feature for VSCO, with the option to buy filter packs each with their own distinctive styles and tones, very popular amongst users of the app.

  11. "Instagram will reveal the huge community of photographers and casual users that use VSCO every day, a testament to the app’s popularity.
    VSCO houses all the tools you’d expect from a favourable photo editing app; saturation, highlights, temperature and vignette can all be adjusted alongside many other settingscc. Filters are also a huge feature for VSCO, with the option to buy filter packs each with their own distinctive styles and tones, very popular amongst users of the app."

  12. Instagram will reveal the huge community of photographers and casual users that use VSCO every day, a testament to the app’s popularity.
    VSCO houses all the tools you’d expect from a favourable photo editing app; saturation, highlights, temperature and vignette can all be adjusted alongside many other settingscc. Filters are also a huge feature for VSCO, with the option to buy filter packs each with their own distinctive styles and tones, very popular amongst users of the app.

  13. "Instagram will reveal the huge community of photographers and casual users that use VSCO every day, a testament to the app’s popularity.
    VSCO houses all the tools you’d expect from a favourable photo editing app; saturation, highlights, temperature and vignette can all be adjusted alongside many other settingscc. Filters are also a huge feature for VSCO, with the option to buy filter packs each with their own distinctive styles and tones, very popular amongst users of the app."

  14. Instagram will reveal the huge community of photographers and casual users that use VSCO every day, a testament to the app’s popularity.
    VSCO houses all the tools you’d expect from a favourable photo editing app; saturation, highlights, temperature and vignette can all be adjusted alongside many other settingscc. Filters are also a huge feature for VSCO, with the option to buy filter packs each with their own distinctive styles and tones, very popular amongst users of the app.

  15. This is a great article for bloggers! I love that it provides a comprehensive list of free apps for photo editing - it's invaluable for bloggers who need quick but high-quality images. I'm definitely going to try out some of these apps, I'm sure I'll love them! Thanks for the info.
    Check out jewellery image retouching


I really appreciate all of your thoughts and comments! They bring a smile to my face!