Wednesday, May 27, 2015

the graduation

My first born little turkey graduated preschool this month.

I don't want to talk about it. If we do you'll hear my voice catch and I'll probably quickly change the subject.

Friends, family, people ask me, like it's so run-of-the-mill, "So, is he going to kindergarten this year?" The look I return must be like they just kicked me in the stomach.  "What?!  He was just born, like yesterday!"  I promise I don't actually say that and I also promise that I won't be hiding in the playground bushes ready to jump like a crazed momma bear every Tuesday during recess. He will go to kindergarten in a few months and I know he will thrive, he's Rhett. He's always been a leader, a friend to everyone, confident, goofy and totally eager to discover.

But right now, even though I am not ready, he is and I'm totally shocked that he has the "look" of a kid who is ready. Isn't he a baby still? Aren't I still an absolute necessity in every waking moment of his life?

No? Oh.

Well, let's not cut that umbilical cord just yet, ok?

And indulge me for one paragraph more about his preschool teacher Miss Debbie. She's been his teacher for the past two years and I don't remember how exactly we found her but I'm SO glad we did.

I went to write her a thank you card and ended up with three drafts. Because I am too emotional about little things. But really it's not a little thing! How do you thank someone for something this big? How do you even put in words what this person has done for you by taking care of your child?

So Miss Debbie, thank you for loving my boy the past two years. Thank you for recognizing in Rhett the things that I love so much about him, for noticing the same things and celebrating his sweet spirit.

Thank you for being there in ways that I don't have the natural talents to be there for him. When Rhett showed me he could write his name I knew that he learned that from you and I'm so grateful for you for filling in where I lacked.

Thank you for being tender with him. For giving him a love of learning, for helping him thrive.

Thank you so much from the very bottom of my heart for pouring your heart and soul this year into a little person that means everything to me. You will always be part of Rhett's story.

We are forever and ever thankful Miss Debbie!

So...who's excited for my over-emotional-first-day-of-kindergarten-post...??

I'm sure Jake can hardly wait either.


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