Friday, June 17, 2011

Introducing the littlest handyman man at 551 East

A few weeks ago I introduced you my husband, Jake. I often feel a twinge of guilt when I say this is my blog or I restore furniture because he really helps me so much. We really love doing it together, (and he's gotten a little addicted to the power sander) so it's kind of a family affair.

So I wanted to introduce you to the third member here at 551 East!

This is Rhett.

He is 10 months old.

He's our little man and we just love him. :)

He loves blueberries, toilet paper, playing with the vacuum, playing in the car, all things dog, pushing his walker, taking showers, pointing, chatting it up with the baby in the mirror, and going to Home Depot. 

He dislikes having his diaper changed, when I turn the vacuum on, being told he can't eat too much dirt, and his car-seat. 

 He is our little handy man and we love working on our projects with him. 

Except when he get's really clingy and then it's hard to get much of anything done. :)

I'm excited as he gets older to teach him to do what I love doing.

Maybe we should get him his own little tool kit for his birthday . :)


  1. Dear rhett, you have a very talented mom. Dear Julia, I check your followers all the time and can't wait for you to reach 100. I'm rooting for you!

    1. and the cutest little handyman i ever did see! I can't wait to see the finished products of the dresser and your other recent finds! You're doing a great job!
      سیاوش قمیشی

      شادمهر عقیلی

  2. and the cutest little handyman i ever did see! I can't wait to see the finished products of the dresser and your other recent finds! You're doing a great job!

  3. Rhett is adorable. He looks like a delegate in that second shot. Yes, I think a tool kit is in order.

  4. He's a cutie for sure! I have picks of my 2 year old teaching my 4 & 5 year old how to use tools. We built 3 mini adrionack (sp?) chairs this week and he was quite the helper

  5. What a fun and productive weekend! Your little guy is adorable :)


I really appreciate all of your thoughts and comments! They bring a smile to my face!