Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A "little women" inspired desk and chair

Remember these beauties?

Well here they are...even more beautiful than before.

Can I get a cat call?! :)

Oh oh oh how I love them!
Can't you just see Beth or Marmee from Little Women sitting there reading or writing?

I kind of broke one of my own rules that I shared on my post on priming.
I didn't prime the desk. 
The wood grain was so gorgeous that I just didn't want to lose it. 

Both the chair and the desk are painted in Behr's Manhattan Mist.
The seat of the chair is reupholstered in cream burlap and stenciled with silver amethyst.
And that same color is inside each of the drawers as a little surprise when you open them.
Hardware is original. 

She's coming with us to the farmer's market this weekend! 

For more info look under the "For Sale" tab at the top of the page.


  1. They look fantastic Julia. Very fresh, and I love that you finished off the drawer.

    1. This looks great! Somebody better buy them this weekend! They are too good to pass up. Darn you small apartment!

      حسین تهی

  2. These are really beautiful, I love the burlap seat and stencil. You go Julia

  3. This looks great! Somebody better buy them this weekend! They are too good to pass up. Darn you small apartment!

  4. julia, i love that soft gray color! so pretty! and the seat is awesome as well!

  5. seems like you were busy but gorgeous work

  6. They look lovely!!! I can see Jo sitting there writing "Little Women"...I wonder if she would get ink all over that beautiful white?:) I am your newest follower. Hope you can visit me sometime.

  7. These look really great! I especially like the chair seat!

  8. That is absolutely lovely and perfectly "Little Women-ish"! :-) I'm new to your blog but just love it!

  9. That was darling. What great taste!

  10. "Little Women" is my favoritist book ever :) i am all for anything related to it but you did a good job too!

  11. Oooohhh, they're WONDERFUL!! Thanks so much for sharing your paint colours.

  12. I L-O-V-E all the luscious little details on this pair that are a joy to discover. The color is lovely, and I really like how you changed it up in the drawers for a sweet surprise when they're opened up. I think my favorite part though is the burlap on the seat of the chair, and the swirly sign you painted there. =] Thank you for sharing these beauties, as well as for the sweet comments left on my blog!!

    ~Nicole @

  13. What a beautiful scene you've created! Love it. And Little Women is one of my all-time favorite books too!

  14. Hi, I featured your desk on our Wicked Awesome Wed blog party this week. Come on over and pick up an "I've been Featured" button if you'd like!

  15. Hi!
    I just want to let you know that I am featuring your amazing furniture tomorrow at my blog. Thank you so much for sharing it at my party. Make sure you visit and button UP!

  16. Wow! They look beautiful!
    Your blog is super cute! I'm glad I found you!

  17. These caught my eye--beautiful! I just did a Frenchie chair in a similar way!

  18. You are truly gifted! This set looks amazing. And beautifully styled! I am a new follower and would love a "follow back" if you have time!
    Come see me at

  19. Julia-

    These photos are so lucid, I feel as if I am in the room. I covet this desk...I need a little writer's desk like this in my front room...

    If you have a moment today, please share this with my readers @Creative Juice Thursday Hope to see yours among all the amazing projects!

  20. Julia-

    Thanks for linking up to Creative Juice! Have a happy 4th...I hope I stumble across one of the desks at a yard sale or such this summer...

  21. Beautiful! Love the color! You did a fabulous job. Thanks for linking up to this week's Catch a Glimpse party.

  22. Wow, the chair and desk are gorgeous! Lovely photography as well :)

  23. ooohh! i love! could totally see jo sitting there penning a story! (little women was one of my fave books growing up) it's so light and dainty... thanks for linking this up to my tip-toe thru tuesday party! can't wait to see what you have to show us this week!

  24. Im in love with this desk. Great transformation. Thanks so much for linking up!

  25. Oh my gosh, I adore both of them! Thanks for linking up last week. I will be featuring you tomorrow at Creations by Kara. :)

  26. FYI this is one of the featured posts at this week's party. Come by and grab a button!

  27. This looks great, saw you on DDC Linky feature, now google friend following, please pop by, Karima x

  28. Wow that is gorgeous! One day I hope to be able to transform some furniture as well as you do, I shall just have to keep practising!

  29. beautiful! There are some truly beautiful ones out there. I think they fit into almost any room style –


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