Wednesday, March 21, 2012

If I lived in my Pinterest account...

If I lived in my Pinterest account... 

my home would have around 140 rooms 


10 kitchens

7 staircases

20 master bedrooms

lots of fireplaces

and some pretty awesome furniture. 

If I lived in my Pinterest account,

my child would have awesome snacks everyday

and new educational games daily.

If I lived in my Pinterest account, 

I would wear a beautiful dress everyday.

(And as a result my legs would always be shaved.)

If I lived in my Pinterest account I would always have words of wisdom.

And I would be super crafty. 

If you lived in your Pinterest account, what would it be like? :) 


  1. Adorable post. We are so lucky to be able to get so much inspiration from blogs and pinterest, aren't we?
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers fo the vintage vixens

  2. What wonderful inspirational photos, I love the yellow upholstered headboard.

  3. This is so clever! You should do a blog hop with this! I would totally participate. If I lived in my Pinterest account, it would be full of furniture and fabric tutorials. I would have far more hand made things around here than I would have room for and I would have about three staircases! This is so clever!

  4. To add to your list, I would say if I lived in my pinterest, Janen would have a ton of unique clothes that I have sewed for her. As well as a fabulous backyard garden that could feed the whole neighborhood! And the most organized house on the planet! :)

  5. This made me laugh! thanks for sharing!

  6. Forget my account....i'll just live in yours:):)

  7. Oh my heavens this is so true! Could pinterest be any cooler? And could it make us feel any more unworthiness that we don't have "those" spaces or that "creativity"! I'd really like to know how we went so long without pinterest!

  8. I love this type of thought! My life would be purrrrrrfect! Thanks, too, for swinging by! Looking fwd to "seeing" more of your blog and work!

  9. mmm.. much like your house! mine would have lots of books too...

  10. This is a delightful post and a wonderful way to answer the first question for the FFA Club!


I really appreciate all of your thoughts and comments! They bring a smile to my face!