Monday, October 22, 2012

Pictures and plans for the house

We spent the weekend at the house, getting estimates on flooring and painting, starting a little demo and starting to feel a little overwhelmed with our (hopeful) 3 weeks till move in date.

There's actually not a ton that we need or want to get done before we move in.

The biggest items on the to-do list are replacing all the flooring and repainting most of the house.

For the sake of our budget and keeping our costs as low as possible, we'll be doing most of the work ourselves including installing new tile in the kitchen, downstairs bathroom and laundry room, laying hardwood in the front room, and painting what we can. 

We do plan on hiring out for laying the new carpet and painting some of the rooms with really high walls etc.

Here are some stats for the house before we get to the grand tour.

2500 sq feet
(It's 1600 sq feet bigger than our current apartment. Crazy.)

4 bedroom

2 1/2 bath

Built in 2005

So you want to see the house? 

Again, the front.

When you walk in you'll enter the foyer/formal living/dining room. 

Plans for this room:

Hardwood floors

Un-texturing the walls (hopefully)

New paint

Removing the old nasty lighting

Adding some awesome molding/wainscoting etc

My vision is clean, bright, airy with a New York brownstone vibe. 

Something like this, this and this.

And then we head into the kitchen.

We're really lucky because the previous owner did a lot of upgrades with the cabinets and granite counter tops so there's not a lot to do here. 

Plans for this room:

New floors 

New paint

New lighting

And maybe one in a couple of years, replacing the sliding glass doors to french ones.

I'm thinking an warm, slightly industrial look.

One of my favorite parts about the kitchen is the addition of the bulter's pantry. (I think that's what it's called...) 

It separates the first living area and the kitchen and offers a lot of extra storage and prep area.

Right next to the kitchen is the main living room. 

I LOVE this room because of it's super high ceilings (20 ft) and all the natural light.

Plans for this room include:

New carpet

Smoothing the walls

New paint

and some built ins on the wall above. 

I'm planing on carrying the look of the front room into this one with clean lines and some detailed molding etc.

Here's the downstairs bathroom. 

With the exception of the floor it will stay about the same for now. 

We'll probably paint it and look for a new mirror or  lighting, but we're in no rush.

Across from the downstairs bathroom is the hall to the laundry room and garage and the stairs leading upstairs. 

All  4 of the bedrooms are around the balcony.

One day, we'd love to replace the balcony wall with an actual open/spoken banister (like this), but that will have to wait. For a long time. 

The second up stairs bathroom. 

Bedroom #1 

This will be the playroom.

Bedroom #2

Rhett's room

Bedroom #3 

The babies room

(It's already painted pink....maybe it's a sign :))

The foyer leading to the master.

The master. 

It has 2 separate walk-in closets which is fantastic.

And the master bath.

 The upstairs, including the stairs, foyer and bedrooms will all be getting new carpet and we're debating on putting hardwood on in the master. 

I've got some plans/ideas for the kids rooms and those are our first priority with the upstairs.

The upstairs bathrooms and master bedroom will probably stay the same for awhile till we finish the bigger projects and rebudget for all of it.

I forgot to get pictures of the backyard, but to be honest it's just dirt right now. 

Welcome to Arizona. :)

We're actually OK with that because we have a great covered porch and it offers us a blank slate to work with over the years.  We'll be laying winter grass in the next two or three months so we at least have a lawn for Rhett and this baby. 

If you remember my post on our wish list as we started our house hunt we definitely got most of what we insisted on and what we hoped for, which is awesome. 

And now we get to make this house or home. :)


  1. i love your style and just can;t wait to see what you do! this is going to be fun!

  2. I can't wait to see how it all turns out too!!!

  3. I love your plans Julia! Sounds like this is a home you plan on being in for years. James and I keep getting a feeling that Utah is just a temporary stomping ground for his career so I have to remind myself not to get worked up with possible remodeling and renovations. We hope we'll be able to finish the basement in the next couple of years and we eventually want hardwood flooring down stairs and new carpet upstairs, but we'll see if that even happens. We got extremely lucky with the fact that the previous owners kept this home in pristine condition. Good luck on all the painting and fixing up! So excited for you!!!

  4. This is a beautiful home already! Your touches will just make it even more fantastic. Congratulations on becoming home owners. Enjoy having more space.

  5. what a beautiful house! can't wait to see you make it your own. :)

  6. looks lovely also eagerly awaiting Oct. 23 to hear about the baby too and photos:)

    ila anne

  7. looks lovely also eagerly awaiting Oct. 23 to hear about the baby too and photos:)

    ila anne

  8. So excited for you!! Wow, what a wonderfully huge and beautiful home for your first home! Yikes, if you saw what our first home looked like. Well, it was pretty cute, but basically you could vacuum the whole thing from one long outlet. Not bad with one baby, but when twins came along, and they started walking? Then it wasn't fun anymore. I love all the wonderful ideas you have. Looking forward to seeing the progress!

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I really appreciate all of your thoughts and comments! They bring a smile to my face!