Friday, October 19, 2012

Signed, sealed, delivered: The house is officially OURS!

We signed the paper work, wrote a big fat check and got the keys. 

The house is OURS! 

And this is a picture of us after we signed our first apartment contract when we got married. 

4 years, 1 and 1/2 children, and a move to a Arizona later we're so excited to be in our first home!


  1. yay!! now show us all the interior pictures please!!1 LOL!

  2. You all look so happy! I'm thrilled for you Julia. Wishing you happiness and dreams come true in your new home!

  3. Yay! Congrats on your HOUSE! That is so exciting. I love the picture of you and your hubby after signing your apartment lease too - what a cute idea! Too bad I already missed that photo opp for myself!

    Breezy Pink Daisies

  4. yay! so glad for you guys! happy house day!

  5. So exciting you guys! Congrats!!!

  6. Congratulations! So excited for you! x

  7. Congrats! so happy for you guys:)

  8. YEA! You are so lucky :) We've been in our rental home for 4 years too, but we wont be buying soon (stinkin' residency...) GAH I'm so excited to see all the pics of your new place :) :)

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I really appreciate all of your thoughts and comments! They bring a smile to my face!