Tuesday, October 16, 2012

We bought a house

It's a miracle. 

We bought a HOUSE! 

And yes this the house we originally loved, made an offer on, were told it was going into foreclosure and that our offer was rejected, and then were given another chance to buy it. 

Confused yet?

Here's how it all worked out. 

After our offer was rejected we resumed our house hunt.

We couldn't find anything. 

About 3 weeks after our first offer was rejected, the bank called our realtor and explained a huge mistake had been made on their end. 

The house was not supposed to be in foreclosure and if we wanted to resubmit our offer, we would have another chance to buy it. 

So we did. 

And last Saturday we found out we got it.


We are SO happy. :)

In total we've looked at close to 3 dozen homes and none of them felt right or met our criteria. 

Except for this one. 

Even when we thought it had slipped through our fingers, we still couldn't help but talk about and compare everything else we saw to it. 

If you've house hunted before and found a home you love, maybe you'll understand what I mean when I say that when we walked into this house for the first time, we just KNEW it was meant for us. 

We knew logically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually...it just felt like home. 

And on Friday when we sign all the paper work it will be ours. :)

We feel so grateful to be blessed with the opportunity given to us again to buy it. 

We feel so grateful for our families and friends and their advice and wisdom and support in this process. 

We just feel so grateful. 

PS. More pictures coming soon. :)


  1. Oh yay! That's fabulous news Julia! So glad you found the one!

  2. So happy for you! Can't wait to see what you do with it. I love that little balcony up top.

  3. Oh my gosh it's beautiful & looks so big! Congratulations!

  4. congratulations!

    can't wait to see
    what you do with it
    to make it home


  5. Congratulations Julia! That house was meant to be yours. I am so happy for you.

  6. SO happy for you! That is exactly how I felt with our first house. Can't wait to see pictures of the inside, and to see what amazing things you are going to do with it!

  7. Congrats, Julia & Jake! I'm so excited for you guys!

  8. Congratulations :D

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  10. I totally know what you mean... we just bought the house we love a month ago, long story short, we put in an offer during short sale about 2 years ago, were rejected, house went into foreclosure and we put in our offer first second we were able to, rejected and over bid by someone else ....a week later we were called and it was OURS...

    ITs awesome having your own space !Congragts

  11. congratulations excited to see how you make it your own and to see the new little nursery that you'll make!! hope that you are doing well

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  13. New reader here and congrats! Very nice home. Can't wait to see more photos ;))

  14. congratulation!! so happy for you, glad it all worked out. :)

  15. “when we walked into this house for the first time, we just KNEW it was meant for us.” I understand you. :) There are really those instances that we feel some things are really meant for us to own once we see it. Congratulations! Have a happy and organized move out! :)

    Avril Copperfield

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