Tuesday, August 6, 2013

blue and white is always right: a reveal

I have a super wise mother in law.

We were at an antique shop a few months back and found some beautiful blue and white china platters and when I commented how beautiful they were, she said "Well blue and white is always right."

And that has stuck with me and I had an idea of doing a piece that replicated those china platters I saw.

Here is my version.

When I started brushing the paint on I had to say "Ooooo" and "ahhhh" because the color was ridiculously beautiful. 

It's Costal Blue from the General Finishes Milk Paint line

I've used their paint before and always loved it, but I've never had the experience with the "natural chipping" that the paint is known for until this pieces. 

It was so ridiculously cool to brush the paint on and have it resist and naturally chip away.

The piece had some beautiful engravings that I wanted to highlight so I used the General Finishes Antique White and dry brushed it on. 

Because the top was in really great shape, just a little dry, I used some tung oil to revitalize it and also sealed it with wax. 

Every time I walk by I have to run my hand over it. 

So smooth.

Like butttttaaaa. 


Anyway...there's your creepy moment of the day. :)

For pricing and sizing email me at 551eastdesign@gmail.com


  1. Love that piece with it's pretty little flowers and vine! The color is divine! I've recently learned to love the blues too.

  2. Gorgeous color! I definitely need to try out some milk paint. And I definitely agree - you can never go wrong with blue and white.

  3. Wow! I'm pretty sure I'm in love with that dresser. I usually don't go for the chippy/shabby look, but I am drooling over that shade of blue with the gorgeous wood coming through. Love the flowers, too.

  4. I love this piece! So beautiful!
    Stacey :O)

  5. That is gorgeous Julia! You did a beautiful job. Like Jessica, one of my favorite pieces of yours. Hope you are doing well and have been having a fantastic summer.

  6. You are blowing up!! Wow you are creating some gorgeous finishes!! Keep up the good work!

  7. Gorgeous,....I haven't used milk paint before Now I just need to try it! visiting from POPP, and your pinned!

  8. Not creepy at all!! I have a client piece sitting here waiting to be picked up that I HAVE to run my hand over every time I walk past. Lets be creepy together!
    Live this one. Love it even ;-) I'm yet to try milk paint, it's on my list!!

  9. I am SPEECHLESS! This is OUTSTANDING! Im coveting your piece,lol beautifully done.

  10. Love this! I don't even know where to start with all the details. Looks great! Stop by my Friday's Five Features and link up this post (and others)! http://diy-vintage-chic.blogspot.com/2013/08/fridays-five-features-no-3.html

  11. Absolutely gorgeous! I just tried milk paint for the first time, I'm hooked!

  12. That is absolutely stunning! I'm featuring it in this week's Power of Paint Party Spotlight. Thanks for linking up!

  13. I am absolutely in love with this dresser. I will be featuring this tonight at my Sizzle into Summer party that opens at 8pm EST. Please stop by and pick up an I've Been Featured button. Thanks.

  14. I love General Finishes milk paint. I had painted my kitchen cabinets with their white over 6 years ago and I am just now noticing that I need to redo them. In a kitchen that sees constant daily use that is an amazing amount of time for white painted cabinets. I do not have enough good things to say about it.

  15. what kind of wax did you use over the tung oil? Thanks!

    1. Hi Anne! I used Minwax Finishing Wax/Paste. Here's a link to the product. http://www.minwax.com/wood-products/specialty-products/minwax-paste-finishing-wax

  16. So beautiful....!!! From BsAs, Arg, Julia C.

  17. Really beautiful! The color is perfect!

  18. this is absolutely beautiful - i adore it!

    visiting from miss mustard seed's FFF - congratulations on the feature!


  19. Beautiful! You did a great job with this.

  20. so pretty Julia! Love General Finishes too but I didn't realize that it would act like actual milk paint in some circumstances.

  21. Beautiful! Did you use a top coat for the paint?

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  24. I"m so glad that you still have your blog up! I just found a link to this chest. I love it!! I have a similar one with many layers of paint that I stripped years ago.I've been wondering if I should sell it - the wood doesn't look really nice - probably why it had been painted. I'm going to try your technique and General Finishes milk paint color. I love navy blue!! Now I'll love the piece. Many thanks!

  25. Hola, qué hermoso quedó! Te consulto, pintaste con azul, dejaste secar y cepillaste o pintaste y sacaste inmediatamente con trapo húmedo? Gracias!


I really appreciate all of your thoughts and comments! They bring a smile to my face!