Friday, August 2, 2013

grow, rhett, grow

Dear Rhett,

Today you turn 3 years old. Do you know I would do anything for you? Do you know how my heart jumps when you come in our room in the morning? Towing your blanket, your sheet and pillow with you. Saying, "Mom, Dad you awake?! I have BIG dreams!"

You do everything with so much exuberance. I don't remember the last time we didn't go somewhere and you said hello to everyone. Asked them their name. When their birthday was. And if they wanted to look at your owie. You shake everyone's hand and say "nice to meet you!". You brighten so many peoples lives. You truly love unconditionally. Your prayers at night can be SO long sometimes because you not only want to bless everyone, but you are grateful for everyone. Everyone. And for a kid who introduces himself to everyone, that's not a short list.

We some times call you our strange little duck. I don't know if there are any words that can really describe you. You march to the beat of your own drum. And you march oh so very enthusiastically.You put your unique stamp on everything you do. Wearing underpants (or wonder pants as you call them) on your head, yelling "everybody dance!!!" at random times, telling us you want to be a a fire fighter and a rock when you grow up... Little man you really love life. And you make us love it so much more.

I love being your mom. I know we had a rough start but you were meant to be out first child. Because you love so big, you have taught me to love big. You're heart, it makes you who you are. Oh Rhett you can frustrate me so much that all I can do is laugh and chase you around till I catch and hug you. You pretend you are the Hulk when you get angry and smash and roar but then in the blink  of an eye you run over and say "Mom, I missed you." I remember coming in from the garage one day, having been only gone a few minutes, and finding you sobbing hysterically because you couldn't find me. Oh how sweet and tender you can be.

There is nothing that you don't ask why about. You want to show us your "cool tricks" over and over again. You say "Mom watch this!" a million times a day. Your imagination blows me away everyday. You carry the most in depth conversations with Mickey Mouse and Iron Man on my phone. My curling iron is your whistle/lasso/fire blower. You can entertain yourself so well that some times I hide outside the door just to hear you play. Thank you for all the moments you give us that we relive every night before we go to bed.

I hope so much for you.

I hope you will always find joy and silliness in the small things.

I hope you will always have so much confidence in yourself.

 I hope you will make friends with those who have no friends.

I hope you will know how much Heavenly Father loves you.

I hope you will chose the right even when it is not easy.

I hope that you and Rad will remain as close as you are becoming.

I hope you will to some extent you will always need me.

I hope you one day will want to eat something other than goldfish crackers.

I hope that you will know that we promise to love you unconditionally.

I hope when you do make mistakes that you will know how to fix them and move forward.

I hope you will one day marry a wonderful woman and be a father.

I hope you will always let me hug you and kiss your cheeks.

I hope everything for you.

I want to celebrate you every day, but especially today Rhett Rhett. Three years ago today you made our family, you came, you love and you are my everything. Happy birthday Rhett.

Grow, grow, grow.

Love, Mom

PS. A little birthday video for him. :)


  1. Oh my goodness, that video is the cutest thing I've ever seen! You've got one adorable 3 year old :) Happy Birthday, Rhett!

  2. Beautiful! This is such a sweet memento to have. Cracked up at the eating more than goldfish part;) our daughter turns 3 in a month, so this hits home:) thanks for sharing!

  3. What a handsome little man! He'll be all grown up before you know it!

  4. Happy Birthday little guy! I hope you keep having BIG dreams throughout your life :)

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