Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Newest Swan

Yesterday I posted the "before" of this piece. 

Technically it wasn't the original before, but I was so unhappy with the redo that it might have well been. 

Here she is!

This was my first experience with Annie Sloan Chalk paint.

Can I share a secret with you?
The reason I've never used it before was because I felt like it was...cheating....

I felt like there was something to be said for the hard manual labor aspect of refinishing.
However....waxing this piece...took a lot of elbow grease to get it buffed and shinny! 

I'm so much happier with the result! 

(I might just pat myself on my back :))

Painted in Graphite (a slate black) by ASCP with details in Chateau Gray and Scandinavian Pink. Interior drawers also painted in Scandinavian Pink. 

Hardware by Anthropologie.  

For more info look under the For Sale tab at the top of the page. 

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  1. I have no words for this. I'm speechless because it's so awesome. You out-did yourself!

  2. you are so good.... shaken confidence be gone!

  3. Hi- I just started following your blog. That piece is gorgeous! I am wondering if your distressed it. I like Annie Sloan paint but I don't want to distress a piece I am thinking about painting using graphite.

  4. put the "P" in pizzazz with this one! Glamorous and gorgeous too :)

  5. wow!!! This is fabulous Julia!!! I love the stencil work. You outdid yourself this time!

  6. Dang, this looks amazing. The hardware is so pretty too :)

  7. that turned out beautiful!! the little touches of color make it so unique.. good work!

  8. this looks so good. i really liked how you had it on your post yesterday, but i am glad you changed it. it is amazing! you always know exactly what a piece needs to be its best.

  9. Wahoo! You hit the nail on the head with this piece. It is gorgeous. I love it. You should always trust your instinct. You are very talented and this piece lets it shine.

  10. Love it! It was great before, but now it is breathtaking!!

  11. Beautiful! Love the graphite and other accent colors.

  12. Breathtaking. The wait is over!! lol I use ASCP on many pieces. I have come to realize that it isn't always the best choice for a project.

  13. Oh my goodness....the difference is amazing! :) I'd love to feature this next week! :)

  14. Absolutely stunning Julia! Now you know, trust your instincts!!!

  15. Amazing job!

    ~Mrs. Delightful

  16. Lovely redo! I'm off to research ASCP. Thanks!

  17. Love the dresser!!! Awesome color combo!!

  18. Stunning piece. What a fabulous job!
    Your newest follower, Mary Alice

  19. Ow WOW, The detailing is wonderful. Great job. It is so beautiful.

  20. What an interesting and beautiful piece. You did a great job!

  21. This looks amazing. Love the striping, looks soooo high end. xo, mONICa

  22. So beautiful!! I love how it turned out- you did a fantastic job! Thanks for sharing this at Feathered Nest Friday!

  23. Love the color combo. It so makes the drawers POP! Did you paint the stripes free hand? If so, you are a very patient woman.

  24. Beautiful and a lovely job! Thank you for sharing your lovely decor at Potpourri Friday.

  25. FREAKIN' amazing! did you handpaint the accent lines?? hello??? we need some details here!!

  26. The waxing is a work out, no doubt about it. This is so lovely.

  27. This piece is stunning. I love the color and bravo on your first ASCP piece. Amazing!

  28. Stunning! the colors are so perfect and classic.

  29. WOW, Julie, this is one gorgeous piece!!! Amazing!!!

  30. Fabulous! Love the lines of the dresser and how you accented them!

  31. Gorgeous and gorgeouser! Gorgeouser?
    I featured this today!

  32. That piece is stunning! Your work is gorgeous!

  33. Ok - you knocked this one right out of the park!
    This looks like something that could be sold for thousands of dollars - really!!!

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  36. I have no words for this. Very beautiful !!!

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  39. wow!!! This is fabulous Julia!!! I love the stencil work
    mãn kinh sớm

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