Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Bohemian Vanity

Bohemian: Artistry free of regard for conventional rules and practices. 

Introducing my Bohemian vanity.

We scored this vanity from a local auction. 

Originally it was all black and the plan was to lacquer it in a golden/mustard yellow. 

But as we started sanding the top, the amazing bright green started to show. 

It was one of the moments where you get giddy at what you might have stumbled upon. :) 

We started hand sanding it and well, I think the results speak for themselves. 

After hand sanding it, I used Valspar Antiquing glaze to age it a little more and waxed the top for extra protection. 

I love all the uniqueness the piece has. 

I love the natural water ring we found on the top, 2 pictures up. 

I love the original hardware and the contrast of the bold green and the elegant black. 

It's already sold to the sweet woman who bought the bowed buffet

Lucky her...not going to lie...I'm a little jealous. ;) 

I LOVE this piece.

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  1. i want it. now. i. want. it. now. seriously you are killin me.

  2. OMG I LOVE it!!!!!! The finish is just amazing. Great job:)
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers o the vintage vixens

  3. Oh Julia!
    How come you keep getting better and better? This is just a wicked cool piece - rebellious and beautiful! Love it! Please be sure to link up this week and show it off!
    Stacey of Embracing Change

  4. That came out awesome! What good luck!

  5. that is SO amazing!!! one of my favorites yet! I'm jealous too.. You must get very bummed when you have to give your finds away =(

  6. i like it! if i were you i would never sell my stuff. it would be too hard.

  7. Wow, what a lucky accident. The finish on this piece is gorgeous!

  8. This is by far the most beautiful destressed piece I have ever seen -
    Absolutely gorgeous -

  9. I was just thinking, "I want that thing right now!" I guess Cassie beat me to it :) This is absolute perfection.

  10. Wow - that is amazing! I doubt if you tried to plan it that it would have worked out so well! The surprise makes it even more beautiful.

  11. I also want it, it is just so beautiful........

  12. I'm having a fantasy of me sitting down at this desk (pushed up to a large window), staring outside as my kids swing on the tire swing and I put pen to paper to record my thoughts of the day. Amazing how you created a piece that can put the viewer in such a tranquil place. Thanks Julia!

  13. You could not have planned that finish if you tried. Perfection!! I would have cried as it left my sight!

  14. That was real classic! Thanks for sharing. For more information you can visit:

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  15. i've always wanted to do a piece like this. julia-it is fantastic! i couldn't love it more.

  16. So chippy, so gorgeous! I love it! You did the right thing in leaving it. Visiting from More the Merrier.

  17. Oh my gosh! I love what you did with this! So unique! Thanks for sharing!

    Robin @ garagesalesrus.blogspot.com

  18. Charming piece...love her color! Please be sure to list my party on your post. Thanks so much for coming to my Nifty Thrifty Tuesday party.

  19. I am totally in love with this. I am visiting you via Tuesday Treasures. I look forward to seeing you at My Dream Canvas.

  20. That is super unique and the colors are fun but tame. Very nice!

  21. This is absolutely Gorgeous! Oh I am a LOT jealous of your buyer.. I would love, love, LOVE it if you would share with my Pink Hippo Party @ http://pinkapotamus.blogspot.com/2012/04/pink-hippo-party-74.html

  22. This is amazing! What a stunner!!!

  23. Wow! What a treasure! How cool to find this great green underneath! Saw your amazing vanity at A diamond in the stuff :)

  24. love love this piece! What a find indeed! Those surprises are the sweetest, for sure! You did a fabulous job on it!!

  25. I'm featuring this on Cedar Hill Ranch's FB page, Thanks for joinining Cowgirl UP, and grab a featured button if you like.

  26. LOVE IT! I would also love for you to link up to my Linky Party via: http://ourdelightfulhome.blogspot.com/2012/04/show-me-what-you-got-linky-party-9.html

    Mrs. Delightful

  27. Great job. I love it when taking away creates such beautiful results. Old green is always a fun color to find. I would definitely want to keep it.

  28. I think I would have to tell her it burned in a fire, and then keep it for myself! It is amazing.

  29. Beautiful!! Great job. What a beautiful color underneath. It was meant to be:)

  30. What a beautiful and unique distressed finish! I would have a hard time parting with it. I'm a new Linky follower.

  31. Oh now this is fun! I am loving how it ended up. That lucky woman has two of my favorite pieces that you have done. I can't believe it was that beautiful shade of Lime under all that paint. I love the water rings, just adds to the age. Thanks for sharing. -K

  32. Wow great transformation. I love it. You have done an amazing job. Thanks for sharing. Cheers SpecialK XoXo

  33. what a prize! and what an eye you have for knowing it!

    love the new look of your blog... though i miss seeing your framed face a bit!! ;)

  34. Fabulously GORGEOUS!!
    The Mother Lode linky party is open <3

  35. Gorgeous colors. Lucky buyer.

  36. Oh I love those moments and love this piece--thanks for sharing!

  37. That looks AMAZING, I love the colors! I would love for you to share this (and any other creations) at "Pin It and Win It Wednesday" @ www.cheapcraftymama.com!

  38. Julia what an exciting find and discovery!!

    Adore the combination of the green and black. Oh and yes beautiful hardware!

    I hope you will stop by and see my new Annie Sloan Projects Revealed!!
    Art by Karena

  39. Wow, this piece lured me in - it's fantastic! I'm a new follower from today on!

  40. I love this, I redid a vanity for my daughter and painted it bright pink--I've never done the antiquing glaze--I need to try it!! Nice work!


  41. This piece is seriously magnificent!!

  42. Beautiful!!! Your are so talented!!!! Thank you for sharing. Newest follower!

  43. Great Piece. It's is beautiful. The green and black combination reminds me of Chinese lacquered furniture somehow...

  44. so so awesome -- thanks for sharing. what an unexpected treasure!

  45. Wow...it's looks so dark and mysterious...like a tall stranger that walks into your life and leaves you in breathless whispers...wow.

  46. I LOVE This!! Seriously. Love those colors . I just finished an experiment piece w/ blue-green and orangy-yellow with sever distressing,,,,like yours. I just love 'em!! Now I have to find a vanity like yours to try some new colors!

  47. Wow, what an awesome look! I can't believe you didn't add any paint to this--amazing results!

  48. I am jealous too! This is just gorgeous! Awesome find and extra awesome decision on the sanding. The whole look is perfect.

  49. I'm not sure I could have parted with this one! It is seriously awesome!

  50. A-M-A-Zing! I Love it - what a find! CJ

  51. Wooooooooow! My eyes just grew bigger and bigger! :D

  52. I agree with all the above comments. I especially liked Gwen from the Bold Abode's about your vanity being like a tall stranger who walks into your life an leaves you in breathless whispers. I had a chuckle. Cute way, but it says it all :o)
    Great job (as usual) my friend!
    Stacey :o)

  53. Wow. This is seriously gorgeous. I love the beautiful green too and can see this being a statement piece in a room! Lucky lady!

    Thanks for linking up on Teagan's Travels. I hope you'll be able to join this week's party going on now.


    Thanks, Michelle @Teagan's Travels

  54. Oh My Gosh! It's fabulous! How great that the green was underneath! Looks fabulous!
    One Chatty Chic

  55. Thank goodness! Terrific job.

    I was beginning to wonder if anyone was willing to break out of the kiddy world colorations (pink, aqua, turquoise, yellow, orange), set off by black, and "heirloom white", plus AS chalk paint.

    Someday all of these decor diva will tire of their kindergarden color combos.... but your piece is a wonderful focal point which could stand the test of time.

    Congratulation on a job exceptionally done.

  56. Tripping over myself over here. Seriously. This is fabulous!
    I featured it tonight!

  57. This is sooooooo ridiculously fun and cool! Featuring you at Feature Friday FREE-FOR-ALL!

  58. Seriously one of the most beautiful pieces I've ever seen.

  59. This is gorgeous! GORGEOUS. I stumbled on your blog from not just a housewife link party and I am loving the work you do. I have recently been bit by the refinishing furniture bug... namely glazing. It's so fun! I am so going to follow this blog :)

  60. This piece is amazing. How lucky to find such history underneath the black! I usually find dead bugs and hairballs and things like that, never any awesome green :)

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