So in the process of redesigning the blog, we might have accidentally deleted our Adobe Photoshop programs.
Opps. Big opps.
But we think we can get it back, fingers crossed.
So until that time I thought I should just keep on blogging and I want to show you Rad's nursery.
I'm not a big fan of "themed" baby rooms so when I started putting ideas together for Rad's room I was really drawn to the idea of clean lines, geometric design, and a simple color palette.
So let's just look at pictures and then get to some details. :)
I'm really happy with how it turned out!
Actually, it's still a little in process.
For example, the floating shelves (inspired by Mandi at Vintage Revivals) are in desperate need of some cute accessoriness and styling, but yeah I haven't gotten that far yet.
Darn budgets and lack of desire to drag 2 kids to Goodwill and Home Goods.
And I've got 2 walls on either side of the windows that might need something hung on them, but I don't want the walls to look busy so I'm still debating.
Anyway, tomorrow I'll post the source and project list for what we used.
See ya then. :)