But with a new year already well under way I didn't want these blog crumbs to get swept under the proverbial rug and lost for all eternity. So a conglomeration of random 2014 bits. Sounds just as appetizing as mystery meat...
Meet Cactus the beta fish. (2 guesses to decide who named him.)
About a month ago Jake and I briefly pondered getting a pet. Emphasis on briefly. We were thinking the tradition either dog or cat route and after looking a dozen's of pictures of puppies and kittens, my hormones were at their breaking point. How many pictures of fuzzy baby animals can a pregnant girl look at??
Then sanity kicked in when Jake observed, "If the kids were pets, Rhett would be a uncontrollably exuberant puppy and Rad would be a very temperamental cat."
Ha. Right on par with wisdom from the greats.
So we nixed the high maintenance pet idea and didn't think twice about it. Then at Jake's work Christmas party they had Beta fish in the center pieces and the hosts were very happy when we asked if could take on home with us. Good Samaritins-R-us.
Rhett and Rad love Cactus (named by Rhett...did you guess right?) and he entertains them daily. We let them each chose a decor item for Cactus and Rad selected Hulk and Rhett went with the rock with the neon plant life. Cactus is happy to retreat into the rock and nestle himself into one of the crevasses. My kind of pet.
Cactus....don't die anytime soon. Please.
Moving on. Last year I did a whole post dedicated to some of my favorite pictures of the year. This time around I figured a whole post was a little much.
If I had a penny for every time someone came into our home and asked "so is that the white wall you always use in your pictures?" ... I'd have enough for a can of my beloved cream soda.
So now I would like to plead my case about the white wall. Members of the jury, the white wall lets me just focus on the boys and things like "what is Rad thinking?" (conundrums for the masses) and to really appreciate Rhett's expression for 8 seconds.
I've done a decent job documenting our travels this year but have failed miserably at documenting when people come stay with us.
The boys love seeing their aunt, uncles and grandparents and our family was always so kind and generous and babysat the crew while we went out and about and dined on fancy things sushi and shaved ice. I want another shaved ice. Or three.
Uncle John (Knuckle John as Rhett affectionately called him for a long time) came and raised the bar for wrestling and lowered how awesome the boys think Jake and I are. He even deserves a medal of honor for not running to the airport after Rad puked all over him.
My dad taught Rhett the trick of poking sticks in animal holes. Because scorpions are very understanding creatures.
And Jane kept asking the boys who their favorite was, her or their uncle Andrew (her husband). The unanimous vote was always Andrew, but she worked her backside off to win the boys over and they finally gave her what she wanted...their vote for her as favorite.

I love your posts! You always make me laugh and your boys are too cute for words. Keep them coming!
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Greeting Vimax Asli
Vimax Asli