Wednesday, August 21, 2013

name my blog!!

If you are a long time reader or new to this here blog, you may have noticed that my once awesome header and most of my side bar have disappeared.

Pretty much, in a nutshell the creator and designer of everything had her email account hacked into and in turn my blogged got hacked as well. (THANKFULLY my blog content didn't get deleted.) 

So since I need to go back and redesign the header and layout I've been toying with the idea of changing the name of my blog.

My main reason for wanting to change the blog name, is to for sure drop the "furniture design" part. Don't get me wrong! I still plan on refinishing furniture (I kind of love it. :)) but I'm feeling my blogging style and content evolving and I want my name to reflect that. 

I love blogging about design and furniture and DIY's and my family and random tidbits that I want to remember later on. Really I just want my blog name to reflect that I blog about anything under then sun. 


I have a few names that I've been thinking about but I really, really, really want and NEED your input. 

Below are some of my ideas and a way to vote for your favorite, but if you have any suggestions or tweaks to what I've thought of, please leave a comment!

1. Name: 551 East 
    Tag Line: None...thoughts?

2. Name: HGTV Wanna-be
    Tag Line: Home life, Glue guns, Toddlers and something that starts with a V...suggestions?!

3. Name: The Smorgasbord 
    Tag Line: Because that's just fun to say (or something else...still working on it)

What should I name this BLOG?! free polls 

Thank you in advance for your thoughts! I'm the worst at making decisions sometimes.

Once we get the name finalized and the new design in place, I think we should have a blog party. :) 

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  1. I voted for you to keep 551 East - here's why:
    It's already part of your "identity" online and it sounds professional.

    The other two options sound cute, but I don't think they sound as professional to me and I think down the road you might regret them depending on the direction you want to go with your blog...but I could be wrong!

    I'm weird about name changes though. Once I know the name of someone's blog - I attach their identity in my mind to that name, so it's almost like a person changing their own name to me - too hard to get used to and I always think of them as their former name in my mind anyway!

    1. I agree, my only concern with 551 East was that it was pretty nondescript, but I agree with what you said! Thank you for another perspective. :)

  2. i voted for 1 as well and agree with angie. not sure of a tagline but you said you wanted it to be about everything under the sun and the sun rises in the east so maybe you could incorporate that?

    1. I agree. The other options sound a little gimmicky and too cutesy. I like Cassie's idea of a tagline something like "everything under the sun rising/rises in the (551) East" you could even use a sun or sunburst affect for your logo/header!

  3. HGTV might have a problem with you piggy backing off their name. I had a friend who used a well-known designer's name in her blog title and she got in trouble with Google over it.

    I think 551 East is the way to go.

  4. As an "evolving" blogger (meaning I started off thinking I'd just be writing about DIY and and food, and over 2 years later I write mostly about faith and being a momma with a few projects thrown in every now and again) I'd vote to use your own name. It's always you no matter what you feel like writing about. It's always you if you are a small blogger or this leads to something else one day (like a book or speaking or whatever...) If you aren't comfortable using last name (I'm not!) maybe use your middle name or a clever/meaningful word in place of a last name??? Just a thought ;) Otherwise I vote 551 East.

  5. I voted for 551 East too... I'm an Aussie so HGTV means nothing to me!!

  6. I thought "551 East" before I even saw your little poll :)

  7. Of the 3, I voted #1 because I don't think the other two reflect the classiness that you create & write about. However, I do think a great name would be what you hinted to in your desires............ "Just About Everything Under the Sun."

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I really appreciate all of your thoughts and comments! They bring a smile to my face!