We do too. Sadly we don't get 99% of the fall beauty, but it's under 100 degrees so...yay. But we can still love the beauty of the pumpkin spice, admire the layering of scarves and sweaters and chunky socks with functional riding boots that technically I won't be able to wear till February for 2 weeks max, the excitement of football season, or that first magical pot of chili simmering on the stove. Yep. Fall (let's get fancy - autumn!)...even faux autumn is the best.
And because I don't share pictures of the kids in front of a white wall enough...allow me to do so for a minute.
The Fairy Grandmother (my mom) came for a visit last week and brought the boys matching Halloween jamas (pajamas) and lots of Halloween hats. (Not pictured the astronaut and the knight.) I was hoping that Rhett would be convinced to use one of them in his Halloween costume but no. The boy wants to be a possum for the blessed holiday. I'm not even kidding. Possum. More on that later.
We took the kids to one of those super cliche but super fun pumpkin farm/hay bale establishments with little rides that sent Rhett straight to kid heaven while Rad hunted and gathered all the loose hay straws and pointy rocks he could get his little grubbers on. And this was all planned by Rhett's ridiculously amazing preschool teacher so no credit to us for creating family moments.
^^^Thank you Target for the last minute quasi costumes. And 20% off no less.
^^^Both stared off happy little cowboys on the train.
^^^ We waited for the train to return. Took a selfie.
^^^Looked up to see Rad not at all happy about his trip around the hay. Opps. Rhett was instructing Rad to "Stop crying and be a big boy" but Rad could have cared less.
^^^ Jake's muscles earned him a 1000 points and a ring from the bell. My muscles earned me 200 points and a chuckle from the shaved ice guy. (In Arizona we don't do hot apple cider and hot chocolate we do cotton candy and tiger's blood over ice. I had two. The baby wanted one to itself.)
Long post, but don't worry it's still October. Happy Fall...ya'll. :)

You guys are adorable! I'll take your faux fall and trade you with our gloom and rain that we've had non-stop for the past week. Those striped bouncy things always look like so much fun!