Even though I've blown through an embarrassing number of phones the past 2 years (thank you Rhett, Rhett, Rad and ok me) and lost thousands of photos (Did I really need that series of nine photos from the park of Rad doing prettttty much the same exact smile down the slide? Or the montage of Rhett doing another dizzying routine of tricks-a-plenty in the backyard? Or the shoot of a palm tree I found particularly palmy? NO but...don't tell this mom armed with a camera phone THAT because she needs to preserve those memories always and 4ever.)
Why take one when you can take a MILLION?
Problem with a million pictures is that only one in a million people really care about all those gems.
So what's a mom to do with all the pictures?
Blog. (Duh!)
So let's get the bonus training rolling, rolling, rolling here.

He rarely makes the blog as often as he should. At least in any great detail.
When Rhett caught him eating some chocolate:
Rhett: What are you eating?
Jake: Dirt.
Rhett: Ok. Well I don't want any.
Jake: (Under his breath) Points for me.
When he caught me smiling mid-conversation:
Jake: (Very seriously) Why the sassy smile? Are you undressing me with your eyes?
Julia: (Umm, no.)
Regarding a blemish on his forehead:
Jake: If we had girls they'd ask if I was turning into a unicorn.
I love to go hiking every once in a while. It is so great to go out in the mountains, or through the forest and just walk, leaving your worries behind.
Or carrying the heaviest worry when his feet get tired.
It is also just as enjoyable, sitting on my bum, reading a magazine. Watching the children play happily. Or wrestle each other.
Dinner. I made it earlier in the week and it didn't involve anything frozen or defrosted or from the freezer (fine, it was chili and I used a seasoning packet rather than get fancy, but I was holding Rad most of the entire time so basically Top Chef me) and I think Jake genuinely thanked me 88 separate times which is only indicative of what a rarity non-defrosted dinner is in this kitchen bum's lair. Maybe I'll do it again soon.
This. Internet quizzes are my gurus and self-esteem boosters. Always.
Mr. Rhett:
Ever the ring master...dance monkey, dance!
Rad kept trying to climb into the glorified doll stroller and simply couldn't accept the simple physics of the fact that his large bottom would not be fitting comfortably in the small stroller. So Rhett was very enthusiastic about trying to wheel him up and down the street. Rad was an enthusiastic mooch.
Is in a pink phase because he ALWAYS carefully selects the pinkest, most princess toys at Target. At least he's not at risk of becoming cliché.
For about 52 hours we weren't sure where Rad went and why Nacho Spider-Libre was following us around. When we tried to remove the mask and the mystery (even at nap time), we were slapped with faux spider webs and spitty sound effects.
PS: I started this post four hours ago...thanks Rad.
And baby Beck:
I'll give him another week to get his face camera ready...
Maybe two. ;)

Y'all are fantastic! Your kids are so adorable. They must have good genes or something. Kudos to you. ;)