We have uncanny ability to plan our trips to see extended family when the weather here in Arizona is phenomenal...
and borderline death in our family's states.
^^^the snow drift that would sink the Titanic.
Last week we headed back east to see my family and were greeted with the seasonably appropriate cold front that came blazing on the scene complete with a (pretty! I'll give the snow that much) dumping of snow.
Rhett saw snow over a year ago and it was just a flurry and Rad has never seen the stuff of Frozen and Elsa lore. When we got out of the airport the boys first introduction to the winter wonderland were the gloriously fresh and clean snow banks by the rental car parking lot.
Welcome to Narnia little ones.
With Rad's inclination to stomp on every pile of snow and Rhett's honed suitcase steering skills meant it only took an additional 14 minutes to go two yards.
After we all got to experience a little taste pioneer living in the parking lot, we head over the river and through the woods to grandmother's house, we go-ed.
I'm kicking myself for not stopping on the there to take pictures of some of the beautiful horse farms. With the snow and setting sun it was the definition of magical. Like this. Grumpy kids and stressed mom were the tie breaker in that decision though.
When the boys woke up the next morning, they saw snow in all it's glory in my parent's backyard. This was winter wonderland snow.
Spirit fingers for Jake for being the snow ring master. He took the boys out for a romp everyday and was enthusiastic about the cold which was too perfect because as much as I dislike snow, or really more the accompanying cold...the boys have been so sad ever since they watched Frozen that there has never been snow for a snowman in the desert. Now they are borderline obsessed with us having carrots on hand for a carrot nose just in case the snow gods decide to dump on us. Don't even think about it snow gods.
Well OK maybe a small snow flurry because this picture makes me want to give them a personal Olaf.
And now this post is dangerously tip toeing into blab territory so we'll save part two for later.
Vacation recaps make the best type of blog posts, don't you agree?
They are rivaled only by baby milestone/age posts.
Which I never do.
Wink. ;)

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