Like Elsa. If there was ever a Disney princess to be out of her comfort zone, I present Elsa of Arendelle, Queen of Snow and Ice, in Gilbert Arizona - Land of Blazing Sun and Cacti.
PS: Rad (terrified) refused to participate in the Elsa meet-n-greet.
I think the impeding dust storm scared away a few felines, but there was still a strong, hungry crowd roaming the premises and after deciding against waiting in looooong lines for super fancy grilled cheese or giant plates of BBQ...we went with boring but (so) delicious Navajo tacos both regular and dessert.
Whose glad I didn't discover these when I was pregnant with Beck? You, me and my love handles are.
While Jake was waiting in the itsy bitsy 20 minute Navajo line I watched the shorts play on the bleachers with the other dozens of kids and felt like a negligent parent for not accompanying and following 8 inches behind Rad on the play structures. Tangent: when did this horrible not enjoyable epidemic begin and when will it end? I really hope it's just a trendy phase and that we can all forget about tomorrow because I've got bigger fish to juggle (like the tattle tail mom telling me about Rad crawling under the bridge and making dirt snow angels while I silently yell at my eyes to not fly into their occasional favorite rolled position). What? I was hangry.
The boys opted for french fries and cotton candy. When I told them to finish their fries before they ate their cotton candy Jake mentioned that should be the title of my first novel. Noted.
Oh yeah, Rad completed the holy junk food trifecta with ice cream. Which probably is what led to this...
Him forging for another sugar filled hit. Not our best responsible parenting moment...we know. :/
After we inhaled our healthy fare we took a long 6 minute walk around the rugged terrain to burn 3-5 cals...
...which was fun and not dumb at all.
Because there were horses! Or has Rad calls them...whores.
And some old fashioned rodeo fun with barrel races.
It was a great 65 minutes of something new and different and my favorite moment occurred when a pleasant gentleman came and sat one inch away from us on the bleachers and grumbled, "there are two many darn* kids here." (edited for family friendly reading)
I know. They're the worst.

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