Rad's still pretty much exclusively in the grunt and beat chest camp and Rhett's got the attention span of a very cute squirrel, which means we repeat ourselves mucho times...with .2% comprehension.
I'll take it.
Some gems they've dropped on our drums as of late...that we really can't follow/understand/even have a clue what they are talking about.
Trying to follow Rhett's story line for his toys when we play together:
Rhett: I'm going to Jesus because I'm an old ninja turtle.
Rhett: You have to carry the baby dragons and get them married?
Julia: Where?
Rhett: Under the dragon's belly!
Rhett: Blue ninja we have to check killing the blue whale off the list!
The most frustrating daily, hourly, any time we leave the house, conversation:
Julia: Where did the sandal go?
Rad: Stare
Rhett: Hmmm where DID that sandal go? Hmm...
Rad: Stare
Julia: I just had the sandal ... seriously ... did one of you take it?
Rhett: No! I didn't take that sandal!!! Maybe the dog took it! (We don't have a dog.)
Rad: Grunting and mad that we stopped moving 3 steps into the sojourn.
Julia: Fine, I'll go find another pair
Rhett: Okay, that sounds good.
Idioms, pop culture sayings - all lost on 4 year old ears:
Jake: Is this cool or what?!
Rhett: Or what..?
Rhett's idea of what DJ Snake and Lil Jon are singing (...yelling?) in Turn Down for What:
Rhett: Turn down the water!
Rhett: Turn down the water!
Another misheard lyric, the chorus of the song "Everybody Dance Now!"
Rhett's version: Everybody, PANTS DOWN!
Any reference to time is met with this:
Rhett: When will my friends be here?
Julia: In 20 minutes.
Rhett: OK. How many weeks is that?
Rad (with a bucket of toys): (Blowing) Fffffffffff. (Puts toy down, picks up another) Fffffffffff. (Repeat X100)
He blows on his toys like they are hot food...does that count?
After Rhett stumble-tripped into our room at night:
Jake: Did your leg fall asleep?
Rhett: Fall asleep?? Why do your legs get tired?
Jake: When the blood circulation get's cut off and your leg gets all tingly they fall asleep.
Jake: Do you feel pins and needles?
Rhett: Yeah....what are pins and needles?
Jake: Like pokeys.
Rhett: Yeah. Like pokeys from the porcupines.
Rad giving me the chubby finger: No NO!
I was trying to take his snack away. (I got the point.)
Also contributed by Rad, and open to interpretation:
Deep thoughts Rad. Deep thoughts.
Oh! And one more from Jake.
Watching Lord of the Rings (can you feel the love tonighttt...?):
Jake: Wait...are the speaking Spanish?
Julia: Who?
Jake: The orcs.
Jake: They're chanting "holla" right?
Julia: Are you serious?
Jake: I swear they're saying "holla"!

So cute!