So how was this weekend? This weekend was glorious. No sick kids or anysing. (Oh did I forget to blog about Beck's brief hospital stay part two? I think I did. Well here's a snap of Beck's feelings about that weekend...)
I concur Beck. No me gusta.
(Less the internet population loses sleep over this, he is now totally fine. He had a bad reaction to his vaccines, spiked a substantial fever and simultaneously got a UTI. No idea how that one happened, but he's a happy clam now and a total trooper.)
This weekend was all productive and doing fun stuff...very uncharacteristic of the Millers. I don't know what we do on most weekends but it's usually pretty forgettable - apparently.
So settle in for a little siesta while I walk you through it all. All of it. Right now.
^^^A little early weekend swagger in the form of a rainbow. Or as Scooby Rad would call it a "ray-row."
"I guess I just don't understand them." - Jake on the selfie stick.
Photo credit: Rad for pushing the button, Mom for holding the stick, stable.
After five years of parenting Jake and I have finalllllllly figured out that it's really best to get the kids out of the house to do something...ANYTHING in the evening. Usually we just go on a walk to the playground but we upped our game big time on Friday night...the tumbling gym.
Prefaced by french fries. FREE french fries BTW. Courtesy of a broken ice cream machine at the Chick-fil-a.
And that actually documents the outing quite thoroughly...Rhett trying to get as much arial on the trampoline as he could manage and Rad wanting to be superman-ed into the foam pit on I won't go into more detail about it, but all parties thought it was the mostest fun.
On Saturday we attend Jake's grandmother's funeral.
In case that wasn't obvious.
No really we did, and I didn't take any pictures but it was a beautiful memorial. Jake's grandfather Roger passed away about 2 years ago and Ann was very ready to be with him.
After the service we went back to my father-in-laws home and enjoyed some time with the family.
Two of Rad's most favorite things: the pool stairs and a hose.
This third favorite thing: Finding his brave and jumping (stepping) into the shallows.
And this. ^^^ I love when Rhett finds his inner Pan.
And then this first tier miracle happened.
I'm fairly certain I'm still emitting magical powers just for breaking up the five consecutive fights between Rhett and Rad and salvaging the boys naps by convincing them to sleep for more than 18 minutes.
And moving right along to Saturday night formerly known as live...
And moving right along to Saturday night formerly known as live...
Rhett had a hot date when he requested the "cute girl with the yellow hair" to cut his hair. He laid on some thick 5 year old charm talking about not being scared of bugs and macho-ing it up promising to defend the yellow haired girl from any bugs that could come her way (true story) and later when I asked him if he thought she was cute he nodded in the affirmative and said "Mom...don't forget I'm going to marry another woman one day."
Haircuts were followed by taking the troops to the grocery store. We were out of yogurt which is Rad's lifeblood these days and I was in the mood to herd cats in a public place. Rad was the happiest camper once he found a tube of cheap chapstick to put on his "mips." He is notorious for eating tubes of chapstick though and was very happy to show this tube a good time.
On Sunday evening we went strollin'...
were we maintained one walking speed: sloth.
Rad almost stepped on a bird carcass (cringe) and Rhett insisted on stopping for multiple breathers as he indicated by stopping his scooter and holding one finger up in the air.
He also found his newest precious...a piece of broken cement to add to his hoarding pile err...collection.
Adventurers gonna adventure am I right?
But only sometimes. ;)

Nice blog wiht a clear picture..good job....atasi ejakulasi dini