And he is always the nicer spouse of us two. Always. So when he dropped a tiny, almost under his breath hint that our ward (congregation) had a talent show coming up I think he knew our family's participation was a done deal. Cashing that affectionate humiliation card over here, stat.
Jake gave me a few guidelines (absolutely no way jose to costumes and singing) and then left the details to me. Sweet, trusting husband.
So our "talent" (sooo incredibly loosely used right there. In fact let's add a few more quotation marks to """talent""") was a dancecapade to Shut Up and Dance by Walk the Moon with some cardboard guitar solos from the boys.
And here's the proof.
I could be ashamed, but my amusement > shame, so that's a win. For someone. Somewhere.
(the video is also behind door number 2)
And yes that is indeed Jake on stage who was great and smiled the whole time while he danced -- man's got talent.
This is one of those things we did in the name of family, and despite Rhett's new trick of rolling his unimpressed eyes in our direction during our 78th rehearsal of the hour leading up to the grand performance, we had a fun time. As manifested in Rad's exuberant stage presence and refusal to leave said stage.
Ignite your light and let it shine boys.
Let it shine. ;)

you guys are the cutest!
ReplyDeleteI have visited your site and find it useful. I have something to share and this is a nice one :
Such good sports for getting up there! You guys totally nailed the dip - reason to celebrate right there!