Three years ago today Jake and I got married.
We still like to hold hands when we drive. :)
Here's our {love} story
One Sunday, my roommates and I decided we wanted to have an apartment of boys over for dinner.
We decided this was the best method to chose.

The flying pen landed on Jake's apartment.
They came over and Jake started to try and ask me out.
I didn't like the way Jake dressed (yes, I was a snob) so I didn't make it a priority to go out with him.
He kept asking me what it would take to go out with him and so I told him I wanted an anteater.
I know.
So he searched for a toy anteater, stuffed one, and even looked into renting one from a petting zoo.
He ended up sewing me one.
Aww right?!
So after a little flirting and lunches together we started dating.
We got engaged in Oregon
and got married
We adjusted to married life.
The manly husband and the little wife.
We started a family
and had little Rhett.
We graduated college, Jake got a job with Edward Jones and we moved to Arizona.
And honestly we feel SO happy, and blessed and grateful for the past 3 years!
Happy anniversary Jake!
Thank you for being my best friend and the best husband I could have ever hoped for.
Love, your little wife