You know what is absolutely amazing to me? How the hardest times of our lives can also be the times with the most peace. It seems to be the biggest oxymoron, but the past few weeks have been some of the most challenging for us and yet we have felt peace and unbelievable support and we have found so many reasons to have joy.
As an update on our little baby: My doctors have had me on a super high calorie diet for the past 2 and a half weeks (about 4000 calories a day) to try and put some weight on our little guy. At our appointment on Friday there was a little growth, but nothing really significant or what we were hoping for. His heart looks as if it will be able to withstand natural labor (at least that's the plan for now) which is a blessing and so we induced at 39 weeks, or this Sunday, March 3rd. We almost delivered him this past Friday because he was consistently failing stress tests and heart monitoring, but after spending all day at the hospital he bounced back and our doctors and specialists agreed it was OK to wait one more week so long as we come in every other day for stress tests and ultrasounds.
The hard news we got was that his femur bones are under the 5% percentile for growth and that he has multiple markers for Downs Syndrome. We chose not to have the testing done for it early on in the pregnancy and any testing now would take about 2 weeks to process and we'd be delivered by then so we are choosing to wait till he's born. We've had multiple ultrasounds done with various specialists and each come back showing the same results and markers for Downs, but without a genetic test we won't be 100% positive of the diagnoses till he's born.
I've cried a lot about this. Not because I feel like Downs would be a disadvantage for our son or that we could possibly love him less, but more because I'm afraid of how the world would treat him. Either way, we really are so excited to bring another little boy home. Because of all the ultrasounds and appointments we've had about this little guy, I feel so close to him already. Being able to see his little face on the screen so many times has been a huge blessing because I feel like I've connected with him . That I know him. I didn't feel that with Rhett before he was born.
We are SO grateful for the prayers and good thoughts that you have sent our way. We really truly have felt strengthened. Thank you for being so amazing. :)